Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shut up

I just finished studying a part of my bible study homework and of course as usual, I have read this particular story many times but didn't "get it" like I did this time. 
The study was the story of the Walls of Jericho, Joshua and the trumpets. In one verse, sorry I can't recall off the top of my head (maybe Joshua 6:8?), Joshua tells the army that God's instructions were to be quiet and not to say a word as they march around the city 6 times. They will proceed to march around 7 times but the first 6 times, they will not "utter a word". 

If it was me and God told someone to tell me to do this same thing, I would be complaining the first 10 minutes into this march, walk, skip around the walls of Jericho. I would be yappin my mouth about why do we have to march, who said we did, do we trust this guy? Etc. 

These men had to march 6 times in silence and thankfully they obeyed. Some of the guys probaby failed as I would have but then I thought...maybe when God gives instructions, I should just be quiet and maybe wait 6 minutes, hours, days before answering or making a comment? Maybe ponder like Mary did instead of opening my yappin mouth. 

On the 7th day, the trumpet sounded, the men shouted to the Lord and the walls crumbled only to prove that a victory is won only when we obey God's instruction and not our own stupid mouths and direction. 

So sometimes before I make a decision or answer a question, I don't listen or wait. This story that I have read and told to little kids really made me realize that "pondering" and praying needs to be a larger part of my life instead of yappin and responding. 

Thank you God for this insight today. 
I'll shut up now. 
Love blessings in Him

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