Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Plan it Earth

It's quarter to 5. I am sitting in a big comfy chair, lazy. My girls are playing music, playing with dolls and dressing up in about every costume they have. 
Dinner? I don't have a plan. 
Sometimes my OCD, time management filled life just doesn't have a plan. 
If I lived this way each day, I couldn't imagine the shrapnel that would fly around from injury. 
Dishes would pile up, we would sleep in our clothing and wear them the next day, dolls, clothing and toys strewn through the house. 
We live in a pretty small apartment so I don't even think a week could go by that someone here wouldn't hesitate to scream "Enough!! Someone clean up this  place!" 
(That scream would most likely come from me) 
Sometimes these "lazy" days are ok. It frees me of the control that I think I have over all the details of being a housewife and mother. It gives me a chance to sit back and think, dwell in God's work, relish in the girl's giggling and plan a different approach for another busy week. 
Today, before I had this great opportunity to be lazy, I was in Bible study and we were talking about God's plans. 
Now talk about never being lazy! He has a plan set in motion for all of us. He never goes away or sits around and writes a blog. (Although I think it would be the most liked blog out there) 
He is constant and always working in our lives even as I sit here, lazy. 
His work is in others to disciple others or us. His work is in the cancer upon a child. His work is in the neighbors who come beside the family who lost their friend. 
He doesn't "leave us of forsake us". He cleans up the proverbial dishes and gives us a clean plate to start over with. 

I know when I am lazy where it is not bringing glory to God and then I know when I need to be lazy and stop and acknowledge His goodness. 
I see how good He is in these times where my dishwasher and washing machines are quiet and my girls are screaming octaves that break the glass. 

I am thankful for lazy, thankful, praising Him filled days. Now to rotate laundry. 

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. Psalm 147:5


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